Thank you for taking the quiz. I can see that you care far more about being kind to others than to yourself. Though this is admirable, this policy is the no.1 reason why 80% of relationships turn dull. You, like me and the majority of people out there, get exposed to far too many misconceptions that slowly but surely erode the fun until what is left is a stereotypical stale and functional relationship. We need to challenge misunderstandings such as ‘one must always be in the good books’, ‘its normal if one of the partners wears the trousers’, ‘somethings you tell your friends but not your partner’, ‘it’s wise to be careful rather than be too carefree’, ‘men and women have different brains, therefore it’s ok if there’s irritation and friction’, and many other similar ones.

What we do is talk about such misunderstandings and try to explain why they can be harmful and what are the better ones. I really hope you get in touch with us NOW, because I know you want to have a fulfilling and happy relationship, you wouldn’t have taken the test if you didn’t. Well this is more than possible with just a little tweaking. Use our chat facility or the messenger chat facility. Ask us anything such as “I don’t get it, what do you mean?” or “are you saying I shouldn’t be nice to my partner?” or, “how do I stop my relationship from getting dull?” or whatever comes to your mind.

Let’s chat and let’s make your relationship a true fun friendship, not just a tolerable must in your life.

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